
landing page


Introducing the "ShakaCode landing page" – landing page which I built for a new service for the ShakaCode company.




Product designer


Landing page




Web scraping can be complicated, and users might not grasp its details, advantages, or risks completely.


Create a clear and trustworthy landing page which aims is to help users feel confident and at ease about using our scraping services.

My role

I was tasked with developing a landing page from inception to final mockups. My role involved extensive collaboration with the tech leader to ensure alignment with our users' needs.

( 01 ) Emphasize users

Users seek to make informed decisions and prefer to avoid being overwhelmed by excessive details.

Cognitive Walkthroughs

I simulated the user's experience navigating the landing page and educational content and identified potential points of confusion, misunderstanding, or frustration.

Social Media Listening

I monitored social media platforms for discussions about web scraping, user experiences, and challenges.

User Journey Mapping

I identified touchpoints where content can be strategically placed.

Competitive audit

I analyzed other web scraping service providers' landing pages to understand how they educate users.

( 02 ) Define problems

Users come across following issues:

Users struggle with onboarding when it takes too long to understand what the website offers, often leaving them unsatisfied.

Communication issues occur when users experience communication problems when they're overwhelmed with technical details, which can make them unsure about trusting a new service.

Unclear content makes it difficult for users to understand the specifics of our service and its benefits.

( 03 ) Ideate solutions

How can I create a landing page which convinces our users to try our new service?


Provide clear information about our benefits and offer a free call-to-action opportunity.


Provide a complimentary PDF guide to help users save money on our scraping services, utilizing our example. Once trust is established between the company and users, they may consider using our services.


Provide clear information about how our service works, our experience and reviews.

( 04 ) Design solutions

The main goal is to answer users' questions even before they ask them, providing followings:

Straightforward navigation and an easy way to connect with the company:

Benefits the service offers:

Clear information about how our service works:

Clear information about our plans, presenting details as comprehensively as possible:

A complimentary PDF guide to witness our practical approach and gain valuable tips at no cost:

( 06 ) Get results

The landing page was just implemented, but we already have good results:

By using easy-to-follow navigation and attractive visuals, the design aims to grab user attention and keep them engaged for longer.

Wireframes and prototypes prioritize clear content hierarchy, ensuring users can easily access relevant information.

Visual designs effortlessly follow established brand guidelines, ensuring consistency across digital touchpoints and strengthening brand identity.

Presentation decks efficiently convey design reasoning, earning praise from stakeholders during reviews and pitches.

( 07 ) Consider next steps

I will concentrate on user research to pinpoint strengths and weaknesses in the current design.

I will utilizing tools such as heatmaps and scrollmaps, implementing feedback forms, conducting A/B testing, bounce and conversion rates and will guide this exploration. The insights gained will inform the redesign of the landing page, ensuring a user-centric and effective user interface.

Aim of Love website design

Aim of Love website design